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Pursue Intimacy with God Daily : 5 Spiritual Disciplines

Cheryl Green

1. Create Relevant Content

Have you experienced healing? Answered prayers? Breakthrough in the life of someone you love? Salvation? As you seek God’s heart for this new season, take a moment to thank Him for what He has already done.

2. Spend 5 Minutes in Silence

Abiding in Jesus starts with stillness. Pause, take a deep breath, and give anything concerning you over to God. Spend 5 minutes centering your heart on the One who matters most.

3. Remember Whose You Are

God loves you. (Let that sink in.) The price He paid for you cost Him everything. Remind yourself of Whose you are, and then confidently dream big with God for this new season.

4. Meditate on God’s Word

How does Jesus want you to live? One of the best ways to find out is to spend time in Scripture. As you do, ask God to speak to you through His Words about what your next right step should be. (Not sure how to start studying God’s Word? Read this.)

5. Focus on What is Excellent

You have been given the mind of Christ. If you are not sure of what you should do in your next season, try asking yourself: What is praiseworthy? What decisions would honor God?

Make a list of whatever comes to mind, and intentionally pursue those things.

By practicing these 5 steps every day, you can actively create keystone habits: acquired patterns of behavior that form the basis of your daily routines.

Imagine what good, personal habits you might be cultivating a year from now because you purposefully chose to pursue intimacy with God today!

Make God the one thing you pursue above anything else!

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